The Difference Between Healthy and Dysfunctional Relationships in the Workplace

The Importance of Healthy Work Relationships
Highlighting the importance of workplace collaboration, 39% of employees across the U.S. and U.K. reported that “poor communication” is a top stressor for them at work. Unhealthy relationships between employees can contribute significantly to poor overall communication in the workplace. When you don’t like, care for, or understand the people you work with, you can’t communicate and collaborate effectively, ruining any chance of a cohesive workflow. Destructive work relationships can also negatively impact one’s mental health. Without social support in helping professions, in particular, employees experience higher levels of burnout that exacerbate mental health conditions. Dysfunctional relationships with toxic coworkers only make things worse. Healthy workplace relationships can combat the above. Communication and collaboration will persist with healthy work relationships. In addition, employees can nurture their mental health and well-being, at work and at home, when they can count on positive relationships and company culture.Tips To Keep Relationships Healthy in the Workplace
Healthy workplace relationships are the key to excelling individually and as a team. But, how exactly can you keep your relationships healthy in the workplace? These five tips will get you started.- Recognize Boundary-pushing or Destructive Behavior Patterns
- Emotional manipulation;
- Dumping workplace gossip on you;
- Never taking “no” for an answer;
- Always asking you to bend the rules;
- Making insensitive jokes and comments;
- Peer-pressuring or putting you on the spot;
- Ignoring what you’ve asked them not to do;
- Arguing with you about your reasons for setting boundaries.
- Set Boundaries Around Socializing
- Be Mindful of How You Feel
- What you talk about;
- How your physical body changes;
- Whether you feel heard and understood;
- Emotions that arise throughout the interaction;
- The way you feel once you leave the interaction.
- Have the Hard Conversations
- Involve Upper Management and Human Resources When Needed
Workplace relationships are integral to your success at any company. They’ll impact how you perform and feel at work, whether they’re healthy or dysfunctional. The tips above will help you set the foundation for healthy workplace relationships that support you in doing and feeling your best in your role.Tags: behavioral health, Creating a Healthy Lifestyle in Recovery, crossroads health, health services, healthy relationships, lake county, mental health, mental health treatment, Mentor Ohio, relationships, self care, workplace relationships