We’re fostering a healthier community.

School-Based and Consultation Training and Education (CTE)

School-based Behavioral Health Services


Services provided in school as referred by the school district. We provide brief early intervention, assessment, and ongoing treatment in both individual and group sessions. We also provide a variety of presentations and consultations for district staff.

Consultation, Training and Education Services (CTE)


Prevention services for school districts and community groups in Lake County. We use evidence-based and age appropriate prevention methods tailored to the specific need of the school district, individual school, classroom, or community group.

Specialized Trauma Training


Trauma-specific training, consultation, coaching for caregivers, professionals, organizations, and schools. Topics include, but are not limited to, trauma-informed care, trauma-sensitive schools, and caring for those impacted by trauma.

Mental Health Promotion and Risk Behavior Prevention


Promotes removing stigma and encourages resiliency skills as students grow into young adults.

Crossroads Health Youth Leadership Training


Engages young leaders to promote a positive school or group climate where all young people feel safe, connected and supported. Young people will learn to recognize and report harmful/risky behavior by their peers to an adult.

Lake County Youth-Led Prevention


Empowers Lake County young people to take action and “Be The Change” in their schools and communities. Young people involved will create and implement an action plan for positive culture change.

We’re helping thousands of people every year!

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