Lake County Youth Council (LCYC) is a county wide Youth Led Prevention group offered through Crossroads Health for students grades 9-12 in Lake County. The goal of the LCYC is to empower and train students to become role models and advocates for healthy lifestyles, including helping to prevent substance abuse and promote mental, emotional, and behavioral well-being. This gives youth the opportunity to have a voice in the planning, decision-making, implementation, evaluation, and recognition processes. They will build leadership skills and get the chance to engage in community involvement. Utilizing the SPF model, students choose the topics most important within their schools and community, and work together to create change. They have the chance to attend monthly meetings, plan community events, facilitate Youth Summit, earn service hours, and more.
Roles of LCYC members include but are not limited to:
1. Advocate for issues relevant to youth
2. Serve as role models for promoting healthy lifestyle choices
3. Engage in leadership roles as defined by the youth council
4. Attend meetings on a regular basis (at least 75% attendance rate)